Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) was established under the section 7, Societies Act 1966, Organizations Rule 1984. Suggestion to establish this association was initiated since the first meeting of Malaysians who used to be affiliated as students and researchers at Kyoto University on 30th June 2011. As a result, Kyoto University Alumni Malaysia (KUAM) was inaugurated on 11th July 2012 with Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Hamdi Abd Shukor as the chairman.The inaugural ceremony was attended by Kyoto University delegation as well as members of Dark Blue no Kai (an association founded in 2010 of Japanese Kyoto University graduates residing in Malaysia).
On 10th to 11th January 2015, the first organization event of the International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC) 2015 in conjunction with the 16th South East Asian Forum had been successfully organized at Hotel Furama Kuala Lumpur, jointly supported by the University of Malaya and Kyoto University .
The date 20th January 2016 marked another milestone, Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) was rebranded and officially registered with the registration number PPM-017-10-20012016 with Dr. Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai as the chairman. MYKYOTO organized the second ISTECC at the Puri Pujangga Hotel, UKM under the collaboration with Kyoto University, National University of Malaysia and Kyoto University ASEAN Center on 13th February 2016. It was organized in conjunction with the second Kyoto University South East Asian Forum. Under the theme Towards Sustainability in Asian Cities.