Seminar and Meeting

The concept of Islam Hadhari was initiated by the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, YABhg Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2004. In relation to the concept, the 9th pillar emphasizes on the aspect of nature’s conservation. Therefore, a round-table dialogue on “Environment and Sustainable Goal” was held on 10th to 11th April 2019 at the College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. As a renowned organization, Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) was invited to contribute towards the projection of new idea and bilateral collaborative research between Malaysia, Japan and Taiwan.


To highlight, this round table dialogue also gathers researchers and academicians from The Legacy of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Chinese Muslim Association (CMA), Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association (THIDA), National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei City Gov dan National Taiwan University (NTU). Resolution from this dialogue will bring further towards a new framework for the sustainable environmental management.

The 3rd annual grand meeting (3rd AGM) of Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) was organized on 7th July 2018 in the Meeting Room, D’ Tandoor Restaurant, Putrajaya. This meeting was attended by MYKYOTO members throughout Malaysia and was chaired by Dr Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai, the Chairman of MYKYOTO. The meeting was started with welcoming remarks from chairman, review of 2nd AGM minute of meeting, activities and financial report, election of committee members for 2018/2020 session, discussion and the meeting was ended with networking lunch. The fruitful discussion was indeed hoped to bring MYKYOTO further to be well-known at the international level.

Organized by Padang State University, the International Conference on Engineering and Environment (ICEE 2018) offers a great opportunity to researchers, scientists, academicians, and all students to present their latest innovative research result, creativity, and innovation, and to discuss the most recent development and trends in engineering and environmental sciences field.

ICEE 2018 was held on November 8th to 9th, 2018 in Padang - West Sumatera Indonesia. Under the theme “Green Technology for Sustainable Development”, Dr Zul Ilham Bin Zulkiflee Lubes and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Remy Rozainy Bin Mohd Arif Zainol were invited to represent Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) group in the conference as a secretariat and participant.

ICEE 2018 provided a comprehensive global forum for experts and participants to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the engineering and environment fields. Also, it will be an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded people from across the country and around the world. Not only limited to that, there was also discussion be held between both parties (MYKYOTO and Padang State University) to look for potential future collaboration, particularly in the field of engineering and environmental science.