4th International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2018) on 10th - 12th December 2018 

Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) in collaboration with the Legacy Association of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (LEGASI), Intitute of Islam Hadhari and Kyoto University Hadhari (HADHAR-KU) organized the Kyoto University International Symposium in conjunction with the 4th International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2018) and 9th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science (ISICAS 2018). Under the theme “Japan-Malaysia Initiatives on New Asian-Islamic Civilizational Paradigm”, this conference was held from  10th to 12th December 2018.

During this conference, MYKYOTO committee members also took an opportunity to meet and discuss with Malaysian students who are currently studying in Kyoto University. The meeting was held to discuss the future path of MYKYOTO since they will become members of Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia once graduated and returned to Malaysia.

Pictured with Malaysian students in Kyoto







Day 1 – 10 December 2018 

Development of agricultural science for a sustainable human society

Prof. Dr. Eiji Nawata 

Area Studies of the Anthropocene Era

Prof. Dr.  Yasuyuki Kono 

Islam, Civilization & Science: Facing The Challenges of Human Capital Development in 4IR

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Yusof Hj. Othman FASc 

Civilisation and Commerce in Islam: Global Halal Movement with Special Reference to Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali 

The Cultural and Economic Significance of the Halal Industry, and its Prospects: An Islamic Invitation to the World

Prof. Dr. Yasushi Kosugi 

The Role of Daily Prayer (Solat) in The Development of Piety and Personality: An Empirical Support

Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mastor 

Generation Z and the Level of Islamic Akhlaq Practices

Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Fariza Md. Sham

Understanding Household Food Waste Behaviour in Malaysia: A Review

Ms. Zubaidah Mohd Nasir


Day 2 – 11 December 2018

Civilisational Sustainability: Guardianship of the Environment (Science) in the Context of Religious Thought & Practise

Datuk Prof. Dr. Azizan Baharuddin

Exploring Resource-Efficient Bioenergy Research and Its Community Acceptance

Dr. Zul Ilham Zulkiflee Lubes

Tackling the STEM Shortage at High Speed: F1 in Schools Competition

Dr. Mohd Radzi Abu Mansor 

A Framework for Integration of Tauhidic Education for Environmental Conservation (TEfEC): A Literature Review

Dr. Norshariani Abd. Rahman 

Maqasid Al-Shari’ah and Value-Based Intermediation (Vbi) For Sustainable Islamic Finance

Assoc. Prof.  Dr.  Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil 

Halal Ecosystem and Road to Sustainable Development Goals: Are We There Yet?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahida Shahimi 

The Feasibility of Waqf-based Crowdfunding for Humanitarian Aid

Dr. Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai 

Revisiting the Malaysian Evolution of “Mudaraba Consensus” in Islamic Economics and Finance: Challenges and New Horizons

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shinsuke Nagaoka

Politics and Da'wah In The Struggle Of The Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt, 1970-1981

Dr. Shamsul Azhar Yahya

The Role of Religion in Enhancing Human Capital Development in Malaysia

Jefridin Haji Atan