2nd International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2016) on 13th February 2016
Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) under the collaboration with Kyoto University, National University of Malaysia (UKM) and Kyoto University ASEAN Center organized the 2nd ISTECC at the Puri Pujangga Hotel, UKM. The conference was organized in conjunction with the 2nd Kyoto University South East Asian Forum. Under the theme “Towards Sustainability in Asian Cities”, a day conference was held on 13th February 2016. The ceremony was begun with welcoming address by Prof. Yoshihiro Tokuga, Vice President of Kyoto University and Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazlin Mokhtar, Vice Chancellor UKM. Subsequently followed with the keynote speaker by Prof. Yosuke Yamashiki Kyoto University, Graduate school of Advance Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Yusof Hj. Othman, Director of Islam Hadhari Institute, Prof. Dr. Ismail Abustan, School of Civil Engineering, University of Science Malaysia, Prof. Hiroaki Tanaka, Kyoto University research Center for Environment Quality Management.
26 presentations were scheduled according to 4 presentation slots and the topics were discussed based on field of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering and science social. There were about 50 participants comprised of researchers, lecturers, students and 8 Kyoto University delegations joined this conference.
Biodegrability and Mechanical Properties of Biocomposite Based on PLA and Cellulose Fibers from Shorghum Bagasse
Lisman Suryanegara, Yulianto,& Heri Hermansyah.
Effect Of Long Chain Alcohol Additives On Fuel Properties And Exhaust Emission Of Biodiesel Blends In A Diesel Engine
H.K. Imdadul, H.H. Masjuki, M.A. Kalam, N.W.M. Zulkifli, M. Varman & M.M. Rashed
Palm Oil Methyl Ester (POME) as Emulsifier for Diesel-Bioethanol Blend Stabilization for Engine Performance and Emission
Norhidayah Mat Taib, Mohd Radzi Abu Mansor, Fais Ahmad Shah &, Wan Mohd Faizal Wan Mahmood
Numerical Study Of Hydrogen Combustion In Noble Gas Compression Ignition Engine
Nik Muhammad Hafiz, Mohd Radzi Abu Mansor & Masahiro Shioji
Range Recognizing Based PCA on Ground Vehicle Detection in Passive Forward Scatter Radar
Noor Hafizah Abdul Aziz, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah, Fazirulhisyam Hashim, Nur Emileen Abdul Rashid
Effect of Biodiesel-Diesel-Ethanol Ternary Blend on Cold Flow Properties and Particulate Matter of Diesel Engine Exhaust Emission
M. Monirul1, H. H. Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, N. W. M. Zulkifli, M. Varman
Mass Spectrometry Analysis and Antioxidant Activities of Brucea javanica Seed used to prevent Lipid Oxidation
Khalil Hasni &Zul Ilham
Extraction of Toxic Non-Protein Amino Acid Mimosine from Leucaena leucocephala Leaves
Norfadhilah Ramli, Zul Ilham, Hanisjasymah Hamidon, Nurul Amalina Rosji & Normaniza Osman
Bio-oil Extraction by Chemical Solvents for Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Production; Durio zibethinus Seeds
Zeynab Amini, Hoora Mazaheri, Zul Ilham & Ong Hwai Chyuan
Exploring the Significance of Islamic Environmental Ethics for Fostering Sustainable Environment
Muhammad Hakimi Mohd. Shafiai & Salman Ahmed Shaikh
Design of Pile Breakwater System for LNG Receiving Terminal
Kriyo Sambodho, Muhammad Zikra, Yeyes Mulyadi, Nur Syahroni & Silvianita, Faimun
Waqf-Based Crowdfunding For Small And Medium Enterprises’ (Smes) Sustainability
Shahida Shahimi, Faris Imadi Rosli & Muhammad Syaukani Ahmad Adnan
Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria in Final Discharge of University Wastewater Treatment Plant
Zummy Dahria Mohamed Basri1, Marfiah Ab. wahid, Ang-Lim Chua & Hiroaki Tanaka
Determining Emergency Evacuation Aid for Flood Disaster Preparedness in Kelantan River Catchment by Using GIS
Shazwin Mat Taib, Nor Eliza Alias, Nurshafeena Kamal, Atiqah Ab Rasid, Lee Yee Yong, Muhammad Wafiy Adli Ramli
The Extreme Rainfall Analysis of the December 2014 Kelantan Big Yellow Flood
Nor Eliza Alias, Zulkifli Yusop & Wan Yoke Chin
PAHs Atmospheric Particulate Matter Characterization and Source Apportionment in Bangi
Muhammad Ikram A Wahab, Minoru Yoneda, Yasuto Matsui &Nobumitsu Sakai
A Comprehensive Review on Fire Evacuation in Underground Train Stations
Nur Sabahiah Abdul Sukor, Noor Aqilah Ahmad Tajedi & S.M. Sabri S.M. Ismail
A Systematic Review of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban Areas
Nur Sabahiah Abdul Sukor, Auni Diyana Fadzil
Prospective Risk Assessment on Occurrences of Nutrients in Kerayong River
Zulhafizal Othman, Siti Razwani Ab Rafa, Marfiah Ab Wahid2, Hiroaki Tanaka, Mohamad Hafees Rosli & Sarihah Redzuan
Artificial Neural Network Topologies and Applications in Science and Technology Study Area: An Overview.
Norshawalina Muhamad Ajib, Dr Rahida Wati Sharudin, Mohd Aizad Ahmad.
Review on Mengkuang Dam’s Spillway Stilling Basin
Mohd Remy Rozainy M.A.Z, C.M.A.S. Che Ismail, M.K. Abdullah Abustan, Choong W.K.