Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (Persatuan Alumni Kyoto Malaysia, MYKYOTO) is an organization formally established in 2016, although it has been initiated earlier in 2011. MYKYOTO was officially registered with Registrar of Society (ROS) on 20th January 2016. Membership in the association is...
VISION MYKYOTO is committed to help its members to achieve the highest potential in their respective areas and enhance their human capital roles in nation-building. We aspire to produce first class citizens among our alumni members such as achieving key position in...
Membership for the Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia was defined as researcher, ex-student, student who is/was studying in Kyoto University and the area around Kansai, Japan. We have three types of membership : Types Details General Member Kyoto University Alumni and Alumni of...
The first event organized by the association was the International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2015) on 10th to 11th January 2015. This conference is also in conjunction with the 16th South East Asian Forum in Hotel Furama Kuala Lumpur, which is co-sponsored by University of Malaya and Kyoto University. Later, on the 20th January 2016, Kyoto Alumni Association Malaysia (MYKYOTO) was officially registered. MYKYOTO, then, organized the 2nd ISTECC at the Puri Pujangga Hotel, UKM in collaboration with Kyoto University, National University of Malaysia and Kyoto University ASEAN Center on 13th February 2016. It was organized in conjunction with the 2nd Kyoto University South East Asian Forum.